AS196 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on May 11, 2017. Motherhouse Road Trip with the Sisters of Loretto in Littleton, Colorado.
(2:26) Religious comic books for spiritual inspiration.
(7:00) Call to vocation continues over a lifetime.
(9:00) Powerful relationship between joy, justice, and community.
(13:00) How experiences of other cultures transform the lives of Sisters of Loretto.
(16:00) EarthLinks, a ministry to connect economically poor people with one another and with the earth.
(19:40) What it means to, like Mary, stand at the foot of the cross with people who suffer.
(26:00) Listener asks about prayer in the Loretto tradition: “We give you glory, thanks and praise. Oh bless our works and guide our ways.”
(28:00) Why it’s awesome to be a Sister of Loretto.
(31:00) Listener senses a call from God to be a healer, but worries he’ll have to give up his livelihood on the street.
(36:00) Listener wonders if God is using guilt to send her a message about eloping.
(41:00) Listener asks if he sends a gift to a nun, can she keep it or must she share it with all the other nuns.
L: Sister Maureen McCormack, SL, has worked for social justice in a wide variety of areas. She currently serves on the boards of the Multicultural Mosaic Foundation and of Eco-Justice Ministries, an ecumenical group working with churches on environmental issues. She is one of the founders of U.S. Women's History Month celebrations and has participated in three U.N. World conferences on Women.
R: Sister Cathy Mueller, SL, has served in many roles on behalf of social justice. She is currently serves on boards for SoulSpring, a center for spiritual growth, and EarthLinks, a Denver nonprofit that she co-founded and that connects economically poor persons with Earth and each other. Sister Cathy is also a consultant and provides workshops and retreats in the U.S. and abroad.